UNIQUE HYDEL CO. LTD. Baramchi Hydropower Project 4.2 MW

Career opportunities

Career opportunities for professionals: Professionals interested in the field of hydropower design, construction management, operation and maintenance, environmental studies and management are requested to contact us. Expatriate experts eager to provide long term or short term, part time or full time service in the role of advisors, consultants, as volunteers or as professionals, may also contact us.

Investor Opportunities: We are seeking local and international investors that could be either individuals or business houses. Investors interested in the hydropower industry of Nepal should contact us for investment opportunities.

Cost Include

  • All civil works contractors
  • Engineering consultants
  • Electro mechanical equipment suppliers
  • Repair and maintenance service providers
  • Hydro-mechanical equipment suppliers
  • Manufacturers and repair and maintenance service providers

Contact Us

    If you provide any of these services and would like to remain in our roster of service providers please contact us as well.